Monday, December 31, 2007
Cameron still dithers over Constitutional/Reform/Lisbon Treaty, read here.
Contrary to the Telegraph's headline this is anything but a strong signal. I quote:
"If we reach circumstances where the whole Treaty has been not only ratified but implemented, that is not a situation we would be content with. We wouldn't let matters rest there."
Cameron has the means to halt the ratification within the UK Parliament with perfect ease should he so choose as I have suggested before.
All that is needed is for him to commit an incoming Conservative Government to legislate to withdraw the pensions of MP's voting against referendum amendments had they been elected in 2005 on a pro-referendum manifesto. This would include MPs from all three main parties and would thus ensure a referendum would be held.
Cameron, of course, being a sister maggot of those Labour/LibDem/Conservative anti-referendum MPs who feed on the corpse of Britain's parliamentary democracy will fight such a proposal for fear a similar weapon might in future be used against him.
The smaller parties have no such fears, they should adopt this idea and force it on the Tories as the Referendum Party achieved in the past.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
The report in the Sunday Times, linked here, is headlined as follows:
Vegas casino billionaire bankrolls the Tories
At least Brown mentions the looming economic crisis.
Cameron waffles at the start on 60 years of the now clearly lethally poisonous NHS and then proceeds to trot out ever more vague cliches, read it here!
No wonder the Tory lead has begun to shrink in the latest polling.
Vince Cable to lead a Government of national unity perhaps??
Happy New Year.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
In Scotland yesterday he signed on board a Scottish Constitutional Commission designed to transfer more powers northwards at the further expense of the English, read here.
Even the suddenly rabidly pro-Unionism Daily Telegraph has its commentator admitting surprise by concluding:
Far better, surely, for the Scottish Tories to have bided their time than to have got into bed with Scottish Labour, a party still racked by scandal, and led by someone who says that she never breaks the law; at least not intentionally.
This morning on Radio 4 at 0810 he was opposing nationalisation of Northern Rock, which the Bank of England was reported to be accepting as a necessity only yesterday. How does this incompetent then propose to arrest the huge outflow of taxpayers funds which grows every day and have now exceeded the annual defence budget.
On the substance of the EU Reform Treaty he has been absolutely silent. Today in Parliament his party will have the last chance to draw a line in the sand as far as the EU and this nation's sovereignty is concerned. His spokesman will be watched and reported with interest on our sister blog "Ironies Too"
Friday, December 07, 2007
Party plays public as prats
The shadow housing spokesman has pledged to remove HIPS. Caught out on Radio 4 as planning to continue with the energy certification the Conservative Party again prove their dishonesty.
Energy packs are required by the EU and the Tories will do whatever the EU orders and probably then some, just like every other party represented at Westminster.
The same dishonest idiot is trying the same confidence trick in the Daily Mail, here, but this quote shows the print media is also now highlighting these attempted deceits:
Mr Shapps has said HIPs would be scrapped because they have been an "unmitigated failure".
But the Tories will retain the the energy performance certificate from HIPs, because the EU requires them to be introduced.
Mr Shapps added: "The process should be very straightforward.
Why would Mr Shapps a newcomer to party spokesmanship wish to open his career with such deception? One answer might be that looking at his seniors he has decided that this is the only path for advancement.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Seventeen years down the road of treachery!
There seems little mention of today's important anniversary in the press, but it was indeed seventeen years ago today that the Tories forced Margaret Thatcher's resignation.
Has there been a front bencher of either party since who has put country before self, I am blowed if I can think of one?
Monday, November 05, 2007
So now the party, even today, will not accept candidates who believe that Enoch Powell was correct in even the smallest detail. Good discussion on this absurdity may be read on Blaney's Blarney Blog, from here.
Which leaves the Conservative Party all at sea when it comes to policy or attack when this kind of information is published, as today, in the Daily Mail.
Monday, October 29, 2007
An original post just made to Conservative Home for the record. (Had I only done the same for my two earlier comments!):
HF at 1712 stated "I thought you had held back some figures, well done. Let us hope that the people responsible for the summer shambles such as, Willetts, Letwin. Mercer, Bercow and Ancram have learned their lesson."
It appears he missed Cameron's name from the list, or does the leader of the Tory's now only take kudos and never carry the can.
After this deliberate censorship can Conservative Home at least rename itself 'Conservative Party Home' or do they believe genuine conservatives now will now regularly tolerate deceit?
What an incredible admission!! Made so that you can boast of the past month's turnaround one presumes.
My previous two comments to this blog were edited, if this is treated similarly I will post the two versions on one of my own blogs, perhaps a new one altogether titled Conservative Home Spin! Or why not lets be honest for a change and use the correct term - Conservative Home Deception?
The reply:
Posted by: Deputy Editor | October 29, 2007 at 19:38
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Cameron in Berlin
A quote from the Conservative Party web site, linked here:
David also talked about his belief that "international co-operation should take place between like-minded political parties, as well as countries," and highlighted the co-operation between his Conservatives and Angela Merkel's Christian Democrat Party.
Vapid Cameron once again proves he has little grasp of matters of substance. The essence of Foreign Affairs is, of course, to achieve entirely the opposite by reaching agreement between nations and power blocks which have other systems and beliefs. Who is the real enemy Dave?
The witless and shifty Tory Leader was presumably in Berlin receiving his instructions regarding there being no referendum on the EU Reform Treaty once it has been forced through parliament. His minder on the trip, as made clear from the Saturday Sky News coverage but not the Bolton interview on Sunday, was the former Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Baroness Neville-Jones of Hutton Roof in the County of Cumbria, Shadow Security Minister and National Security Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition. Not his Foreign Affairs Shadow, nor the Shadow Europe Minister but the former head of the British intelligence services.
Pity the pictures of Cameron being briefed on the plane then shadowed around Berlin by Dame Pauline were not included by Sky, nor indeed were the brief moments of his being seated beside Merkel before becoming once again swamped by the suits. Well done Sky News for at least being there to get the shots and showing them more than once on Saturday, no wonder young Dave looked scared witless.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Cameron is breaking EU promises AGAIN!!!!
From the most recent Straight Talking e-mail from Roger Helmer MEP comes this:
Cameron's cast-iron guarantee
Writing in the Sun on Sept 26th, David Cameron wrote: "Today, I will give you this cast-iron guarantee. If I become PM, a Conservative government will hold a referendum on any EU Treaty that emerges from these negotiations". No ifs. No buts. No "provided it's not in place by then". David has given his word, and he deserves our congratulations.
Cameron to rat on post-Treaty Referendum
The report is in The Independent, linked here, from which comes this quote:
Nearly 40 Tory MPs have signed a Commons motion tabled by Bill Cash, the arch-Eurosceptic and MP for Stone, which calls for a referendum "before or after ratification" by Parliament. Signatories include the former ministers John Redwood and Michael Ancram.
Speaking at his monthly press conference yesterday, Mr Cameron said such a commitment would depend on "six ifs" – if the opponents of the treaty failed to defeat the Government in the Commons; if they failed in the Lords; if the Prime Minister did not change his mind; if there was not an early election; if every other country ratified the accord; and if no other EU state held a referendum on the issue.
"We simply don't know all of those things," he said. "I am not going to do anything that undermines the focus we have on getting that referendum now."
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Must the BNP be the only real opposition?
Church Gresley Ward - By-Election 18 October 2007
Church Gresley Ward
Candidate Description Number of Votes
Jana Beatrice Eaton The Conservative Party Candidate 304
Richard Charles Fallows British National Party 516 (35.4%)
Gordon Edgar Rhind The Labour Party Candidate 639
Sunday, October 07, 2007
The commitment by Brown to hold no election either this year or next, although anything that man says should never be fully believed, gives the Tory's ample time to find a Comservative Leader.
In a way an early election would have guaranteed the minimum possible period of a Brown premiership. Now we have the prospect of the Lib-Dems changing to a more youthful leader and all three parties offering more corporatist, state interfering socialism at the next election.
While the tax cuts in Cameron's Blackpool speech were welcome, the whole performance was about as far from conservatism as it is possible to get.
By delaying the whole election topic the campaign for an EU Referendum becomes the most compelling and critical item on the political agenda, as well it should.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Common Sense from Norman Tebbit
The article is in this week's The Spectator, linked here.
Another chilling quote from Fraser Nelson in the same magazine:
One party agent told me that twice the number of people are coming to Blackpool from her constituency — not to prepare for battle against Labour, but, astonishingly, ‘because they hate Cameron and want to see him take a kicking’. They come with the same macabre curiosity that led mediaeval villagers to a hanging.
Samizdata says it better!
The principled-stand-of-the-week by Dave Cameron
Dave Cameron is actually a very funny guy. His faux sincerity and Forceful Leader hand gestures (no doubt practised in front of a mirror for best effect), combined with crassly obvious weathervane-like changes of political position, are the perfect stuff of parody. I expect most politicians to be insincere as it is more or less a job requirement, but I find the combination of mannered earnestness and whore-like opinion poll based ideology-of-the-week strangely compelling viewing.
In truth the principle-free pursuit of power he represents is so toxic that I want to have an endless series of Two Minute Hates at the mere mention of his name... but then when I see that phoney baloney shtick of his in full televisual motion and pimple enhancing digital hi-rez colour, I find myself grinning from ear to ear at the sheer absurdity of the man (and indeed the party that voted for this bozo to be its boss). He changes direction faster than a startled fish and the fact anyone believes anything that comes out of his mouth is a source of morbid fascination to me.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Where is Vapid?
At the cleaners it would appear. The excruciatingly sycophantic (and now heavily censored website) Conservative Home had reports he was at a posh fund-raiser at the Dorchester last evening. The editor should be aware that ten pence less than five quid for a small pot of tea is nothing out of the ordinary for the likes of 'call me Dave'
It appears Vapid is in hiding, the only report I can find of any activity whatsoever comes from "Laundry and Cleaning News ' linked here.
The tories are fretting about the opinion polls, up to last week they liked to quote last May's local election results as evidence all was well, with the BNP having come second in three Nuneaton by-elections this year and having lost control of Worcester they should now be considering re-selecting the candidates in their Shadow Cabinet's constituencies if their party is to have any hope of survival, not fretting about A listers and vacant seats.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
No cash for Traditional Tory Seats?
There is an amazing report in this morning's Sunday Telegraph here, from which comes this quote:
In a suite of offices at Conservative campaign headquarters in Victoria, London, Lord Ashcroft presides over a list of expectations drawn up by polling huge samples of 10,000 people at a time.
The list is divided into three categories: "development seats", which might just be won and are given £3,000 and include places such as Tooting (majority 5,190); "battleground seats" which are on the edge of what is currently possible for the Tories and which are awarded £25,000, such as Pendle (majority 2,180); and "early gains" which the party thinks it will definitely win and are given £3,000, such as Battersea (majority 336).
In addition, Lord Ashcroft is using his inspections to decide who deserves more money than the formula, and who will get less.
Any observer of the present political scene must be aware, however, that if the Tories really are to fight the next general election under the ineffective team of Cameron, Osborne, Letwin and Zac it is retaining their traditional votes that will be the toughest task. Out in the shires safe Tory seats will be a struggle to hold in the face of massive traditional Tory voting abstentions.Saturday, September 01, 2007
The Times of London, 1st September, 2007, linked here:
David Cameron has authorised a poster campaign next week amid Tory fears that Gordon Brown is preparing to announce an election this autumn.
The new advertising will seek to neutralise Labour claims that Mr Cameron has no substance and does not believe in anything, according to allies of the Tory leader.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Cameron ruins Redwood's reasoned Tax Strategy
On Radio 4 this morning the Tory leader was twice if not three times presented with the chance to regain some traditional support. In ducking it he not only lost tens of thousands of potential votes he also finally proved that he lacks the ability of reasoning.
The question posed was why not go for the lower tax strategy of Ireland which has been proven to increase tax revenues rather than lower them. It was quite clear that Vapid's empty mind was incapable of grasping this concept for he kept waffling about stability, by which one assumed he actually meant sustainability!
If Cameron cannot grasp this simple and proven concept there is no excuse for one of his team not drilling some relevant responses into his head. If lower tax rates increase revenues in one year, they are likely to do so for all the years that then follow - stability or sustainability cannot therefore be a probelm!
A computerised dummy would be preferable to this leader, for with modern technology it could not only be produced to look the most appealing for mindless TV watchers, it could also be programmed with voice synthesizers to offer considered responses to predictable questions for the more informed and therefore most likely actual voter.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Read all the details in the Daily Mail, from here, highlights for the delight of true conservatives are these:
The new PM appears to have benefited from being forced to deal with a series of crises - floods; car bombs; and now foot-and-mouth disease - since taking power.
Some 69% said he was the best leader for the country in such situations, compared to just 10% who would rather see Conservative rival David Cameron dealing with them.
And significantly most (51%) also said they believed the Prime Minister "best understands the problems facing Britain", three times the rating for Mr Cameron.
A majority (54%) now consider him trustworthy, well ahead of the Tory leader, who has been hit by internal party criticism in recent weeks, on 36%, with 37% more likely to vote Labour under Mr Brown than predecessor Tony Blair.
Vapid the Zombie (as in walking dead)
First class argument and impeccable logic from one of Britain's few remaining serious thinkers Peter Hitchens titled:
which may be read from here.
Another commentator Matthew Parris in today's The Times manages to dig himself an ever deeper hole over the future of the 'Real David Cameron' as if such a thing ever existed.
Devoting almost his entire column to finally admitting what a complete idiot he was to think something good might have come from the Blair years he then goes on to finally kill off any reputation he might once have had as a thinking commentator by still suggesting that something principled, decent or worthy might be lying behind the 'Call me Dave' facade. Read it here if only for the main confession of complete naiveness. His piece is insultingly titled "How we were taken in" - not 'we' Mr Parris........YOU!!!!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Miraj exposes the true 'Dave' in the Sunday Times
The extraordinarily revealing article may be read from here. It is titled:
"Dave, I didn't blackmail you" which just about says it all don't you think?
The concluding paragraphs throw a huge question mark over the Tory party, not just who the mysterious member of the shadow cabinet who offered the peerage might be, but far more importantly the clearly shabby thought processes gone through for such an offer to have been made1 I quote them from the article:
What is not commonly known is that I was, in fact, asked whether I would consider accepting a seat in the Lords in 2005 following the 7/7 London bombings tragedy, when the party was seeking to appoint a “Muslim” parliamentarian to that House. The approach was made by a present member of the shadow cabinet and I declined it. I am choosing not to disclose names at this time, but should the party elect to have selective amnesia on this issue, naming the individual concerned will be the only logical response.
I myself have never upheld playing the “race” card and, had I thought it beneficial to do so, that would have been the perfect opportunity. Not surprisingly, I refused. I have always firmly believed that politicians should be elected or appointed purely on merit. Furthermore, I strongly felt that my talents were better suited to the Commons and I wanted to play an active role in advising on policy and shaping the future direction of the Conservative party towards the victory we are all so keen to achieve.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Does the Tory front bench support continued EU membership even with the Reform Treaty?
The following is taken from what appears to be editorial comment on the Conservative Home blog this morning:
I am glad, for example, that Eurosceptic candidates are free to support the Better Off Out campaign, despite the frontbench's commitment to EU membership.
My headline to this posting now seems the question that goes begging, especially if one considers the article by Irwin Stelzer in today's Daily Telegraph linked here.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
What a thoroughly nasty piece of work David Cameron is turning out to be!
Not that this blog is surprised of course!
We have been warning conservatives since he first looked likely to gain the party leadership.
Dump Dave and the sooner the better! Confused then read this or this or look at the comments on Conservative Home from here.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The article may be read here and concludes with this question:
But why is David Cameron so reluctant to show his referendum card in the long game of political poker with the PM, to which his position inevitably commits him?
My guess, because he has already sold out to the EU
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Doing for David Cameron's Conservatives
I have submitted the following comment to Simon Heffer's column in today's Daily Telegraph on the non-retreat to the 'Comfort Zone':
Why this defeatism?
Cameron is incompetent and CAN be removed. One means might be for enough remaining real conservatives in the party to demand an urgent inquiry into the conduct of the last leadership election which clearly breached many internationally accepted requirements for running a fair ballot.
Cameron, while not responsible for these breaches could be put in mind to step down in favour of the loser if he was shown that he now lacked general support.
The runner up (the MPs second choice) could then take over without the mess of another party election or accusations of yet another party leadership change.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Crisis what Crisis?
David Cameron in far off Rwanda (more on that in the post below) after denying he has leadership problems (read those remarks in a report from the Telegraph from here) has now been publicly criticised by a major party donor, Lord Kalms in the FT, linked here, from which I quote:
David Cameron came under fire from a major Tory donor on Monday for the first time in his 19 months as Conservative leader, amid an intensifying rightwing backlash within the party.
Speaking to the Financial Times, Lord Kalms, the former Tory party treasurer, said he was “disillusioned to a substantial degree” with Mr Cameron. He warned that the leader “has not quite got the party behind him at the moment”.
“This is the summer of our discontent,” said Lord Kalms, life president of the electrical retailer DSG International. “We’re having a very bad period. What we should do is pack up and come back in the autumn.”
I posted the following on the Conservative Home blog this morning:
The photograph that DC presumably went to Rwanda to obtain may be viewed from the following link:
Link to blog with picture of Cameron at open grave of Rwandan genocide.
I am glad to see it has not yet received much press coverage as it should surely be considered a shameful episode by true conservatives. Just imagine the thought processes that had to be gone through for this bit of supposed positive PR.
The picture will be seen by many as an attempt to gain party advantage on the back of the most obscene massacre of recent years.
The arguments by Janet Daley yesterday in the 'Telegraph' to retain DC might stand up in normal politics. But with such tawdry gestures and the looming EU Constitution these are not normal times. Keeping Cameron in post will assure future such questionable moral gaffes as the election eventually approaches.
The floods should have provided an opportunity for wiser advice to prevail and the trip to be canceled. Littlejohn had started his attacks earlier and the web was alive with adverse comment. The fact it went ahead even when a golden opportunity had arrived to backtrack makes the whole Cameron team appear even less competent.
Surely there will now be enough Tory MPs feeling the same inner revulsion at this posturing by the grave of the slaughtered to force a contest for a new leader.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Cameron's flooded constituency
According to The Times he was actually there before apparently fleeing for Rwanda, I quote from this link but was it really filed today?? Cameron normally doesn't do Sunday politics?
David Cameron, today visiting Whitney, the main town in his Oxfordshire constituency, said that serious questions needed to be asked about Britain’s flood defence systems, which he said were sorely lacking at the moment.
He said “We have to ask why the flood defence budget was cut last year.”
Mr Cameron also said he would like to know why flood defense resources have so often been many miles away from where they are needed during recent days. “People want answers,” he added.
Were he not part of the EU conspiracy against an independent Britain one might believe this questioning was genuine. In fact he well knows the answer, the flood defense budget was savaged to pay the huge fine inflicted on DEFRA when under Margaret Becket's leadership for late EU subsidy payments to farmers, possibly as a result of Gordon Brown's 'save a penny anywhere' policy while running just Britain's Treasury.
This scandal was repeatedly reported upon in one of my other blogs Ironies Too, linked here from which I quote :
EU fines - MP calls for resignations
Finally the fiasco and fines of DEFRA on which we posted here, here and here are receiving some sparse mainstream media coverage - for example here in an item titled 'Beckett should be sacked'...But Dave was silent and the matter allowed to pass, now his constituents and hundreds of thousands of others must pay the price. Cameron should ask himself, "why do I allow myself to remain silent on the misrule of the EU?"
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
David Cameron blew all six opportunities to nail the PM on the EU Constitution at Question Time today and threw away each and every one on early prison releases. The latter may seem important but at the end of the day we are only talking about a matter of 18 days of extra freedom for men whose time is already nearly up.
For Britain, with this opposition, the time seems certainly up.
Government/BBC lies and the EU 'Reform' Treaty
At PM questions today David Cameron must raise the issue of the state propaganda machine now clearly in operation to force through the so-called EU 'Reform' Treaty. Soon the Commons will take its long summer recess until October by when the final version of the Constitution will have been agreed. That fact must not be ignored.
If David Cameron again ducks the issue today it will be perfectly clear that under his leadership, his party - The Conservative Party - is conspiring with the Government and the Lib/Dems to destroy the British Parliamentary system and hand what most consider the mainstay of sovereignty, Foreign Affairs, to powers beyond the control and borders of these one time nations presently known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The outrageous lie of the new Foreign Secretary, detailed here, last Sunday with links to the European Council mandate, repeated here, was subsequently confirmed by the BBC transcript of its programme as I reported and linked here.
I will be emailing a copy of this posting to the Conservative Party official site and the Conservative Home blog. If the Tory Party leadership fudges the opportunity to hold the new PM (freshly returned from Berlin and Paris) to account over the outrageous lying of his Foreign Secretary they will not be realistically able to claim that they were unaware of what transpired last Sunday morning.
Update....The E-mail has been received as may be seen here.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tory MP resigns
Curiously it is a pro-EU MP from the left of the party. All the criticisms could have come from either wing of the Tory Party.
The real damage in this is it seems to me is that all the remaining sitting Conservative MPs can now have little chance of getting out from the Cameron disaster with any self-respect or authority remaining.
If only John Redwood or David Davis had penned something like the following:
"Quentin Davies' letter to Cameron:
I have been a member of the Conservative Party for over 30 years, and have served for 20 years in the Parliamentary Party, in a variety of backbench and front bench roles.
This has usually been a great pleasure, and always a great privilege. It is therefore with much sadness that I write you this letter. But you are entitled to know the truth.
Under your leadership the Conservative Party appears to me to have ceased collectively to believe in anything, or to stand for anything.
It has no bedrock. It exists on shifting sands. A sense of mission has been replaced by a PR agenda.
For the first 19 years of my time in the House, in common I imagine with the great majority of my colleagues, it never occurred to me to leave the party, whatever its current vicissitudes.
Ties of familiarity, of friendship, and above all of commitment to constituency supporters are for all of us very strong and incredibly difficult to break.
But they cannot be the basis for living a lie - for continuing in an organisation when one no longer has respect for its leadership or understanding of its aims.
I have come to that appreciation slowly and painfully and as a result of many things, some of which are set out below.
The first horrible realisation that I might not be able to continue came last year. My initial reaction was to suppress it.
You had come to office as leader of the party committed to break a solemn agreement we had with the European People's Party to sit with them in the EPP-ED Group during the currency of this European Parliament.
For seven months you vacillated, and during that time we had several conversations.
It was quite clear to me that you had no qualms in principle about tearing up this agreement, and that it was only the balance of prevailing political pressures which led you ultimately to stop short of doing so (though since then you have hardly acted in good faith in continuing with the agreement, for example you never attend the EPP-ED Summits claiming that you are "too busy" - even though half a dozen or more Prime Ministers are always present.)
Of course I knew that you had put yourself in a position such that if you did not leave the EPP-ED Group you would be breaking other promises you had given to colleagues, and on which many of them had counted in voting for you at the leadership election.
But that I fear only made the position worse. The trouble with trying to face both ways is that you are likely to lose everybody's confidence.
Aside from the rather significant issues of principle involved, you have of course paid a practical price for your easy promises.
You are the first leader of the Conservative Party who (for different reasons) will not be received either by the President of the United States, or by the Chancellor of Germany (up to, and very much including, Iain Duncan Smith every one of your predecessors was most welcome both in the White House and in all the chancelleries of Europe).
It is fair to say that you have so far made a shambles of your foreign policy, and that would be a great handicap to you - and, more seriously, to the country - if you ever came to power.
I have never done business with people who deliberately break contracts, and I knew last year that if you left the EPP-ED Group I could no longer remain in a party under your leadership.
In fact you held back and I tried to put this ugly incident out of my mind and carry on.
But the last year has been a series of shocks and disappointments. You have displayed to the full both the vacuity and the cynicism of your favourite slogan 'change to win'.
One day in January, I think a Wednesday or Thursday, you and George Osborne discovered that Gordon Brown was to make a speech on the environment the following Monday.
You wished to pre-empt him. So without any consultation with anyone - experts, think tanks, the industry, even the Shadow Cabinet - you announced an airline or flight tax which as you have subsequently heard from me in a long paper (which has never been refuted) and I am sure from many others, is certainly defective and contradictory - and in my view complete nonsense.
The PR pressures had overridden any considerations of economic rationality or national interest, or even what would have been to others normal businesslike prudence.
Equally it seems that your hasty rejection of nuclear energy as a 'last resort' was also driven by your PR imperatives rather than by other considerations. Many colleagues hope that that will be the subject of your next u-turn.
You regularly (I think on a pre-arranged PR grid or timetable) make apparent policy statements which are then revealed to have no intended content at all. They appear to be made merely to strike a pose, to contribute to an image.
You thus sometimes treat important subjects with the utmost frivolity. Examples are 'inequality' (the 'Polly Toynbee' moment - again you had a paper from me!), marriage and the tax system (even your own Party Chairman was unable to explain on the BBC what you really meant) and, most recently, mass consultation of the public on policy decisions. (In view of your complete failure to consult with anyone, within the Party or outside it, on many of the matters I have touched on, or on many others, the latter was perhaps intended as a joke).
Of course I could go on - up to three weeks ago when you were prepared to stoop to putting forward a resolution on Iraq (demanding an inquiry while our military involvement continues) which it was admitted at a Party meeting the following Monday (by George Osborne in your presence) was motivated by party political considerations. That was a particularly bad moment."
Believe it or not I have no personal animus against you. You have always been perfectly courteous in our dealings. You are intelligent and charming.
As you know, however, I never supported you for the leadership of the Party - even when, after my preferred candidate Ken Clarke had been defeated in the first round, it was blindingly obvious that you were going to win.
Nor, for the same reasons, have I ever sought office in your shadow administration.
Although you have many positive qualities you have three, superficiality, unreliability and an apparent lack of any clear convictions, which in my view ought to exclude you from the position of national leadership to which you aspire and which it is the presumed purpose of the Conservative Party to achieve.
Believing that as I do, I clearly cannot honestly remain in the Party. I do not intend to leave public life. On the contrary I am looking forward to joining another party with which I have found increasingly I am naturally in agreement and which has just acquired a leader I have always greatly admired, who I believe is entirely straightforward, and who has a towering record, and a clear vision for the future of our country which I fully share.
Because my constituents, to whose interests of course I remain devoted, are entitled to know the full background, I am releasing this letter to the press."
Friday, June 15, 2007
The following two reports from the Conservative Party web site on the EU, certainly might indicate that is the case, as do the EU's own web pages as has been explored more fully on another of my blogs "Ironies Too" linked here, which is also covering the grave constitutional crisis with a lame duck PM about to sign away his country.
| |||||
EU Constitution moves in by the back door | |||||
Plans to resurrect the obsolete EU Constitution have moved one step closer to becoming a reality as the European Parliament voted today to support the controversial Prüm Treaty. |
| |||||
British police must share fingerprints, driving licenses and DNA records with all EU police forces from today | |||||
The first shot of a constitution climb-down sounded today as Franco Frattini, Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs, confirmed that the Prüm Treaty would now have EU force. |
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The report is from the The Observer linked here.
It seems the Tory leader thinks the following is unfair political comment, though presumably not denying the facts:
Class struggle: the Mirror on Cameron
'Cameron's all too aware his toff-class membership is a potentially fatal problem, instructing Con spin doctors never to invite your columnist to Tory events, because I've spent 18 months highlighting his toffness. I turn up anyway at Tory shindigs, just to annoy him'.
'Spotty Cameron was packed off to £25,000-a-year Eton, puffing on wacky baccy rather than learning Latin. Then it was off to Oxford's dreaming spires, where he bought a silly £1,200 tail coat, pratting around as an Edwardian gentleman in the restricted gene pool that is the Bullingdon Club.'
'Only toffs with plenty of dosh bray there is more to life than money. It's easy for well-heeled David Cameron to come over all Ken Doddish and preach happiness. Daddy was a stockbroker and the Tory leader fought his way to the top from the, er, top. Born with a silver dinner service in his mouth, he suffered the indignity of a bog-standard education at Eton and Oxford.'
'You don't have to be a toff to get on in Old Etonian David Cameron's Tory Party - but it certainly helps'
'Tory toff David Cameron accuses parents who fail to discipline their children of being 'selfish and irresponsible'. But what the hell does Diddy Dave know about that world? His parents didn't raise him like that. They sent him to boarding school as soon as he could say "Goodbye, Mama".'
'Labour MPs were having a fag behind the bike sheds when Tory toff David Cameron was fagging at Eton. The posh chap's latest wheeze to reward youthful goody two-shoes reeks of his privileged upbringing.'
Saturday, June 09, 2007
An E-mail somebody has sent to Vapid
Dear Mr Cameron
As the UK nears the point when the Prime Minister is involved in
discussions on the content of a proposed new European Union constitution which could be binding
upon the United Kingdom, HM Opposition's stance is conspicuous, once again, more by its silence
on this momentous issue than any principled and public response to what should be its highest
priority, namely the future governance of the UK.
The content of the following speech made by Mr Ashley Mote MEP is the one that should have
been delivered by you in one form or another, and indeed by the leaders of all other political
parties in the UK at this critical time. As it is, the statesmanlike appraisal of the
current prospects for the UK's future relationship with the EU is left to a relatively unknown
and independently minded MEP. Shame on you Mr Cameron!
The Conservative Party website trumpets: "Parliament should be the watchdog of the (British)
Constitution." Shame on you Mr Cameron for not acting on your own stated principle through
your guilty silence.
Your web site also suggests proposals that the Conservatives will ensure "No deals being made
in Europe without full explanation first".
Once more the British people will see through this empty promise because just such a "deal"
is being negotiated in secret by Mr Blair with our EU partners on the proposed EU 'constitution',
and in particular with Angela Merkel of Germany, at this very moment.
The deal is being passed off by Mr Blair as of no particular constitutional significance, and
therefore not requiring a referendum by the British people. Whilst your Party does call for such
a referendum, that call is muted and mis-trusted because of your Party's abysmal track record in
its approval of further EU/UK integration in almost every possible policy area since the signing
of the Treaty of Rome.
Shame on you Mr Cameron, for failing to make a single major policy speech in opposition to
the EU's increased hegemony over the will of a freely elected UK Parliament by an unelected
foreign organisation, and for failing to expose the nature of the second hand EU 'constitution
now being proposed.
Now read on - for the speech you should have made:
Sovereign Nations Don't Have Constitutions Imposed on Them - 7 June
EU Constitutional Debate, European Parliament, 7 June 2007
Text of speech by Ashley Mote MEP, independent, SE England
"You are our Neighbours - Not our Masters", Ashley Mote MEP
tells European Parliament
"The British government's White Paper on the original constitution
said that it involved “no fundamental change”
"But why have a constitution if you don’t want fundamental change – what
else could be its purpose? Angela Merkel has said that the new version should have a new name and
“use different terminology without changing the legal substance”.
How reassuring to be so vividly reminded of German commitment to
democracy and the rule of law.
The old - and doubtless the new - constitution totally reverses the
relationship between the EU and the Member States and between the
governing and the governed.
Whenever before did a sovereign nation permit outsiders to write and
impose a new constitution on them, except after defeat in war?
In my country the state draws power from the people, and answers to them.
In the EU, the State now seeks to exist in its own right, and have the
people answer to it.
Our rights and freedoms are our birthright. They are not in the gift, or
at the discretion, of a passing parade of political nonentities - here
today and gone tomorrow.
The original draft constitution did us a great service: it crystallised
the future.
It attempted to turn a Europe of nations into a nation called Europe.
It forced us to decide if we would allow Europeans to become our masters.
We do not.
You are our neighbours. You should be our friends. But nothing more.
Whatever its new name - like the last one, this one will not be a
constitution at all.
The first version was vague, grandiose, imprecise, deliberately complex,
confusing and extremely long.
It was proscriptive rather than enabling. It made law, instead of creating a framework for law-making. It offered no effective checks and balances to control future law-makers,
and no mechanism to stop the train. It consolidated power for a system of government by a self-perpetuating
bureaucracy. It turned the member states from theoretical masters of the house of
Brussels into its servants. So what's different this time?
This oppressive constitution is not the answer. It is a 1950s solution to 1920s problems.
Today we live in another world. People living in today’s fast-moving, flexible, unpredictable, hi-tech
world need responsive, imaginative, minimalist government.
The EU has been left far behind by the Americans, and soon the Indian
sub-continent and China will overtake as well.
The EU and its grandiose ideas are part of the problem. They are not part
of the solution.
Hostility exists across all 27 countries. It abounds in Poland, the Czech
Republic, Austria, Latvia, parts of Scandinavia and, of course, the UK.
The Dutch are rightly angered by suggestions that they didn’t understand
what they were voting about last time. Given the chance, they may well
vote ‘no’ again.
And what happens in Ireland and Denmark, where referenda are mandatory
even if the word ‘constitution’ disappears? Resistance will inevitably harden.
These are important constitutional issues which the Council of MÃnisters
has largely chosen to ignore just as they have ignored the failure of the
first version of the constitution.
Some 36 new EU projects and institutions - wholly dependant on that
document for their legitimacy - have all gone ahead already. So much for
due process and the rule of law.
For the bureaucrats, rebirth of the constitution - even under an assumed
name – really is just a tidying-up exercise. For the rest of us it changes everything.
No British parliament has the power to bind its successors. The EU
constitution - whatever it's called - threatens to deny that power of an
elected British government.
That alone makes it unlawful.
Suggesting – as clause 18 of the original did - that we might have to
come, cap in hand, to ask to leave is preposterous. And wait two years while the rest of you decided? Who are you kidding?
The Victorian lawyer, Professor Dicey told the British people that they
are free to withdraw their consent from parliament at any time and have
the right to use any means to regain control of their sovereignty.
The Bill of Rights, 1689, is still the statute law of the UK. Its
authority was re-affirmed in a House of Lords judgment
in November 2001. Desuetude (repeal by lack of use) is unknown to English
The Bill of Rights is based on a concept of permanence and declares that
any actions taken against its principles are null and void. It
specifically forbids handing power to foreigners. "
Sunday, June 03, 2007
The headline reflects my reaction to an interview on Boulton on Sunday on Sky News this morning when Conservative MP Graham Brady was interviewed and brilliantly defended his stance on Grammar Schools and lambasted the state of present party politics.
It appears the Tory Party still retains some upright, decent and thoughtful individuals among its parliamentary representatives.
One is only left to wonder why former party leader Michael Howard, first promoted George Osborne and then backed David Cameron as his replacement when there were people of integrity and character available. As Conservative Home points out here, the new four hundred thousand pound a year press chief the ex-NoW editor once used his pages to describe these two as follows:
"Osborne ... has now owned up to his encounters with a cocaine-snorting call-girl ... like Cameron, the frontbench MP won't be drawn on whether he has taken drugs himself. But remember, politicians make the laws. That's why we have the right to ask about their backgrounds - especially when they aspire to run our country."
Clearly politics is all a matter of money for Mr Coulson, perhaps that attitude is what rubbed off on the present Shadow Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, who wrote in his column for Coulson's rag during the run up to the 2005 general election that he was earning too much money to sacrifice time to take an active role in the campaign.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Now its the gutter press where the Conservative Party has fished for its next public relations supremo.
The former editor of the totally disreputable and unprincipled News of the World will be the party's new PR chief, even though that dreadful paper saw fit to give him the boot after the bugging of the royal family. The Times report is here. AND look before debasing the almost non-existing standards of the old 'News of the Screws' he was wait for it ..... a showbiz reporter with The Sun. One wonders why Vapid didn't go the whole hog in imitating Blair and just hire Alistair Campbell?
Even this blogger is left breathless at the extent of the Cameroon's descent to absurdity. I thought I had heard and seen it all after the fresh faced Osborne struggled to claim the Blair crown in debate on Channel 4 News last evening with the loathsome Environment Minister .....then today comes this!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The bad news is that it is over the Tory Grammar School policy.
An indication of the importance placed by the Party on EU matters, with our remaining sovereignty about to be sold out in Berlin in three weeks time, is the seniority and renown of his named successor as detailed below.
Why not use the contact details below to elicit his views on the Berlin summit?
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Mark Francois MP | |||||||||||||
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Mark was elected as a Member of Parliament in 2001. Previously, he served for four years on Basildon Council in the early 1990s, and faced Ken Livingstone in Brent East during the 1997 general election. | |||||||||||||
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Cameron could have been heard on Radio 4 at 0810 (Listen Again here), or his views may be read in this item from today's The Times, linked here.
There seems no doubt that the Cameroon Team advisers, described by Janet Daley in yesterday's Daily Telegraph as "juvenile idiots" linked here, have deliberately picked this as another attempt at a Clause IV moment for the Tories, but it seems to be deservedly about to seriously backfire.
Cameron's education (or lack thereof) should be the last area of their past that he and his fellow Shadow Cabinet Old Etonians and ex-Public School pupils should seek to expose to popular scrutiny.
I have ceased regular postings on this blog as the deep character flaws of the present leader of the main opposition party must by now be clear to all but the most stupid and unthinking Tory follower. Because of my own experience of both Grammar and Public Schools I have decided to record a few views on the present dispute.
At age eleven after leaving primary school where at one stage I had been in a class of 46 in an age group of two years with seating for only forty, I went to the A stream of our local Grammar School where with ten others we were fast-tracked in a range of subjects with first-rate individual teachers in subjects as diverse as Latin and Physics. We were exhorted to work as a team where failure of one would be considered as a failure by all.
After two years my family had to move from the West Country to the South East and my sister who was also at the Grammar School was forced to then attend the dreadful local Comprehensive. I was almost equally unfortunate being sent off to board at a West Country public school typical of its type. The contrast in quality of instruction was enormous. In fact it would be true to say that in almost every subject taught I had already reached the 'O' Level standard at thirteen when leaving the Grammar School which at the private expensive institution we struggled to attain at the time of the exam at age sixteen.
The main contrast was the attitude of the teaching staff. At the Grammar School the teachers were imbued with enthusiasm bringing vast and exciting knowledge to pupils they knew had the capability to absorb and subsequently utilize what they were taught. The teachers at the public school however were of far inferior abilities, appeared merely to be at the school for the higher salaries than those attainable in the state sector, and approached their pupils as the spoiled undeserving but privileged brats many of us were who would have no need or benefit of the education they were there to reluctantly receive.
Cameron with his clearly blighted character, possibly a direct result of his time at Eton, was indeed foolish to pick this topic, essentially one of unearned privilege, but still his Shadow Cabinet remains intact and none resign. That speaks volumes on the ex-Grammar School pupils that useless group reportedly contains.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
The attack and backtrack, for that is what this truly seems, is in Portillo's column in today's Sunday Times, linked here.
Former Daily Telegraph editor, Charles Moor, clearly also has growing doubts according to his Spectator Notes column this week, linked here, which leaves only the present editor of that magazine among Tory journalistic heavyweights who heavily backed Vapid during his Sunday Telegraph days to desert the lightweight fop.
How accomplished David Davis appeared on Sunday's Sky News this morning. But can the party ever now be salvaged given the wider membership elected such a disaster. Even Portillo is beginning to wonder as may be seen in this quote from the conclusion of his column:
Cameron’s handling of the Dyke incident was clumsy. But it was more than just an ill-thought-out wheeze. The Tory leadership has been reflecting deeply on the shifting tectonic plates of United Kingdom politics.
While the party talks about winning an outright victory, other gloomier scenarios are at least as likely. In one, the Conservatives urgently have to find new ways to do business with other parties in local government as a prelude to doing a deal at national level. In another scenario the electoral system changes and the Tories have to woo new partners because otherwise they will be in opposition for ever.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I hinted at Cameron's disconnected attitude to politics in the posting below. My thoughts were prompted by his recording of an interview for the supposed flagship BBC political programme Sunday AM. As Master Marr stated on the now available transcript, linked here:
But next month's elections are a big test for him too, and of how far the Cameron effect has spread.
Well I met David Cameron during a break in canvassing at a hospital in his Oxfordshire constituency.
Big test maybe, but hanged if Vapid will give up his Sunday for a live interview regardless of what news might break!
Recalling that Cameron when previously interviewed by the slimy Scot Marr in Henley , Vapid claimed Scottish blood running thick through his veins and absolutely refused to contemplate an adjustment to the Barnett formula whereby scrounging Scots live off English largesse, and have so for decades. Now we get this exchange:ANDREW MARR: Let's talk about Scotland where the Conservatives are not in a particularly strong position, to put it gently. It has been suggested that you might hive off the party in Scotland, and Scottish Conservatives might effectively organise themselves to give them a new chance.
DAVID CAMERON: Well I don't have a plan to do that. I think it's important though that we do emphasise that the Scottish Conservatives are a Scottish party - they elect their own leader, they write their own policies, they're responsible for their own manifesto.
It's devolution at work, so they are able to come up with the right policies for Scotland, not always the same policies that we might have in England, that's right. And we need to emphasise that. And I think that's important, but I don't have plans to...
ANDREW MARR: Would you be against them choosing a new name, for instance?
DAVID CAMERON: Well it would be up to them to make that suggestion if they wanted to. I think actually they are very much running under the banner of being Scottish Conservatives and I think it's important that they emphasise that they are a party for Scotland.
ANDREW MARR: If, as a result of these elections, Scottish National Party are forming an administration in Edinburgh and calling for there to be a referendum, what will your response be? Don't they have a right to have a referendum if people in Scotland want a referendum and they say they do, they've got a right to that haven't they?
DAVID CAMERON: If there is a referendum I will campaign as actively as I can for a no vote because I want to keep England and Scotland together. But we've always said if that there was a referendum, and if the result went from my point of view the wrong way we would have to honour that. I think that's that the only way to be open and frank with people in Scotland about this, but I desperately, you know, hope that it doesn't happen.
I am beginning to believe Jack Straw or Ming Campbell might be the last hopes for Britain. At least they have seen life, albeit just from the Westminster/(Edinburgh) bubble.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Think about my headline. Then watch the first posting on WebCameron linked from my sidebar.
A Prime Minister in this uncertain age must devote 24/24 hours and 7/7 days to his responsibilities. The RN Iranian fiasco proves that point!
Just look at this latest entry on the WebCameron site:
an eventful few days
17 April 2007
A long gap since the last blog. Apologies – this is another casualty of moving house. The best brains of BT and our IT department cannot get me a broadband connection, so I’ve been completely disc ..Thus speaks a cipher!
Cameron failed again last weekend - recording an interview on Saturday afternoon with the sycophantic fellow-Scot Marr for Sunday AM and thereby missing immediacy to gain a "Family Day"....... during the last stages of the local election campaign..... in the middle of a crisis for Britain's armed forces????? When the country is crying out for mature governance!
David Cameron is a family man with a disabled eldest son who requires constant care. David Cameron should be given the time to provide such care and indulge his other children as he so obviously feels is necessary to ensure that they mature to be the kind of self-centred adults that would be equally unsuited to running a country as himself.
One or other of the Cameron generations could perhaps later run an independent Scotland.
A Tory vote on 3rd May will only continue the present farce.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
David Cameron
An interesting introduction to the Channel 4 'Dispatches' programme to be screened tomorrow evening is in today's Mail on Sunday, linked here.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
If you thought the policies unveiled today were loop the loopy but missed the Channel 4 debunking of global warming, you can see the programme from this link.
Then see how you feel as a supposed Conservative Party proposes to monitor ALL your foreign air travel and tax you accordingly!!!!!!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The latest nonsense from Cameron is apparently to restrict cheap air travel by force. Read the report in the Sunday Telegraph from here.
I agree with the posting on these proposals on Samizdata, linked here, which was as follows:
The Conservative Party has long been regarded as having a certain nostalgic, and some would say romantic, yearning for the past. I had no idea that this included a desire to drag us all back to the 19th Century:
Harsh new taxes on air travel, including a strict personal flight "allowance", will be unveiled by the Conservatives tomorrow as part of a plan that would penalise business travellers, holidaymakers and the tourist industry.The proposals, to be disclosed by George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, include levying VAT or fuel duty on domestic flights for the first time as part of a radical plan to tackle global warming.
The Conservatives will also suggest - most controversially of all - rationing individuals to as little as a single short-haul flight each year; any further journeys would attract progressively higher taxes, a leaked document entitled Greener Skies suggests.
Even if this is just policy-mongering, the fact that such proposals could even be considered is per se a megaphone-warning about the true nature of the Tories and their future likely conduct.
The mobility that has been afforded to people on relatively low incomes by cheap international air travel is one of the most productive and liberating benefits of this age. By declaring war on this, Cameron and his lickspittles show themselves to be not just opportunist but also disreputable and loathsome (as is anyone who either supports them or votes for them).
As for me, I will be unaffacted. I do not intend to hang around long enough to witness the huddled masses setting sail from Southampton to seek a better life in the free world. If (God forbid) Cameron does win power in the next election, I shall utilise my air travel 'ration' to purchase a one-way ticket out.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
18 February 2007
IT'S no big deal that David Cameron smoked cannabis when he was at Eton. But he is wrong and self-serving to claim what he did before he became a politician should remain private.
To know the true face before he slapped on the public make-up is essential if we are to know the nature of the man. We are in a better position to judge the worth of Cameron's views on our "broken society", the breakdown of family life and the lawlessness of teenage gangs now we know he belonged to an Oxford gang that got blind drunk, trashed restaurants and smashed shop windows.
Cameron, we are told, continued to smoke pot at university. Not a hanging offence although it might be if he went on to heavier stuff.
More revealing is that he became a member of the ultra rich, ultra snob Bullingdon, an invitationonly drinking club where the aim was to get blind drunk, wreck restaurants and then pay for the damage with bundles of cash. Rich yob indulgence by privileged young men in £1,000 tail coats with big wallets and even bigger mouths.
Cameron's love affair with himself was illustrated again when he was a special adviser to Chancellor Norman Lamont at the time of Black Wednesday. After Lamont was fired he made a conference fringe speech hostile to British membership of the EU. Not something John Major wanted to hear. At a party that night Cameron cut Lamont dead. Such loyalty.
After the last election Cameron - who wrote the Tory manifesto and campaigned "passionately" for it - ditched virtually every major policy within weeks of becoming leader. This is not a man of principle, it's a selfish opportunist who believes only in what he can make you buy. The stuff dreamed up by marketing men, pollsters and image makers. If you trash belief and principle and bung enough cash at presentation you can get away with anything. Just like those drunken nights with the boys from the Bullingdon.
There was no "statistical manipulation or deceit", Martin. We chose to delay one element of the survey for the greater good, and that's at our discretion.
Conservatism wouldn't have been advanced by kicking the party when it was down in such a way.
We never edit comments unless they are abusive or unsubstantiated. Occasionally they will be overridden for irrelevance.