The NHS is a waste of money!Vapid Cameron was on TV this morning, I could not watch as his fatuousness makes me ill.
Fraser Nelson,
here, of the Spectator reports:
3. “We have a very frank and clear and positive message - the NHS is our no.1 priority, we do not want to see the state withdraw from that in any shape or form.” I do hope this was another of his mis-speaking moments. Alan Milburn explicitly wanted to see the state withdraw, and said the NHS should be regarded as a payment mechanism. It was the trade unions who fought Blair, saying they didn’t want to see the state withdraw from the NHS in any shape or form. Cameron seems to be clear about where he stands on this dividing line. He is retreating from the NHS reform agenda, and the NHS (and patient care) will be the worse for it.
As cuts in defence, education, policing and every other area of national life presently funded by a grossly over-staffed and incompetent state become evident even to the mass of morons who never read a sensible publication will not this pledge become an electoral liability?
Has nobody yet realized within the Conservative Party leadership, that all expenditure on health other than for pain relief is eventually wasted as we all must die?
Even morons will one day begin to question why all else of value that often makes life worthwhile - such as safe streets as one example - must be sacrificed to keep the sick and aged alive, often on a basis lacking either dignity or apparent point!